This directory contains a precompiled version of Lens that runs under Linux on x86-based machines. Here is what you have to do to be able to run the binaries (lens and alens). [This assumes you use the default "bash" shell and that your Lens folder is at ~/Lens - if it's elsewhere, change the commands below accordingly (and ask for specific help if necessary).] 1) Check the HOSTTYPE variable (by running "echo $HOSTTYPE") in a shell/terminal. If it reports "x86_64" (64-bit machine), you're good to go. If echo reports "HOSTTYPE: Undefined variable", then you'll need to set HOSTTYPE as an environment variable (see below). 2) Add the following lines to ~/.bashrc (there's no need to add the HOSTTYPE line if it was already set to x86_64 in Step 1): export LENSDIR=~/Lens export HOSTTYPE=x86_64 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$LENSDIR/Bin/$HOSTTYPE export PATH=$PATH:$LENSDIR/Bin/$HOSTTYPE 3) Exit your shell/terminal and restart another one. You should now be able to run lens by typing "lens" or "alens" at the shell prompt. An offline version of the Lens manual can be read by pointing your browser at $LENSDIR/Manual/index.html. David Plaut 17 Jan 2024