connectUnits - creates a link from one unit to another


    connectUnits <unit-list1> (<unit-list>)* [-mean <mean>
        | -range <range> | -type <link-type> | -bidirectional]


Creates a link between each unit in the first list and each unit in the second list. If a third unit list is specified, then all units in the second list will be connected to all units in the third list, and so on.

This can be used to create a special pattern of connectivity using a script, rather than by altering the source code. By default the new connection will have a type with the same name as the sending unit's group, but this can be overridden.

If mean and/or range are given, they will determine the values used for randomizing the link's weight. If left unspecified, the network defaults will be used for these links.

If the receiving unit already has an input with the same type from a neighbor of the sending unit, the links will become part of the same link block. In that case, the mean and range specified here will override the previous values for the block.

The bidirectional flag causes links to created in both directions between each pair of units.


To connect the first two units of group "input" to the third unit of group "hidden" with a connection of type "my type" and default randomization values:

    lens> connectUnits "input:0 input:1" hidden:2 -type "my type"


addGroup, connectGroups, connectGroupToUnits, elmanConnect, addLinkType, disconnectUnits, setUnitBlockValues

Last modified: Sun Feb 28 21:03:26 EST 1999