copyUnitValues - copies inputs, outputs, or other fields between groups


    copyUnitValues <group1> -<field1> (<group2> | -<field2> |
        <group2> -<field2>)


This command copies values from the units in one group to the units in another (or the same) group. It could be used to copy the inputs of a group to its outputs or the outputs of one group to the targets of another. The copy is instantaneous; this does not set up a permanent connection.

group1 is the name of the group the values are coming from. Valid fields are -inputs, -outputs, -targets, -inputDerivs, -outputDerivs, and -externalInputs. Any unique prefix will do. If the third argument is another field specifier, the values will be copied from one field in group1 to the new field.

If the third argument is a group name, it will be the destination group. If no second field is given, the same field will be used for both groups. Otherwise, field2 gives the destination for the copy.


To copy the inputs of group hidden1 to the outputs of the same group:

    lens> copyUnitValues hidden1 -i -o

To copy the outputs of group hidden1 to the outputs of group hidden2:

    lens> copyUnitValues hidden1 -o hidden2

To copy the outputs of group hidden1 to the outputDerivs of group hidden2:

    lens> copyUnitValues hidden1 -o hidden2 -outputD



Last modified: Tue Feb 23 22:35:27 EST 1999