doExample - runs the network on the next or a specified example


    doExample [<example-num>] [-set <example-set> | -train | -test]


This runs the network on an example and adds the error to the network's total error. If no example number is given, the next example from the set will be used. If the set is in PIPE mode, the next example will be read from the pipe. If an example number is specified, it will not affect the example order maintained by the example set when in ORDERED or PERMUTED mode. The set will later resume where it left off.

If neither "-train" nor "-test" is specified, the network's current netRunExample and netRunTick functions will be used to run the example. "-train" will cause the netRunExample to be set to netTrainExample and netRunTick to netTrainTick. "-test" will set netRunExample to netTestExample and netRunTick to netTestTick.

If an example set is specified, the example will be chosen from it. Otherwise, either the training set or testing set will be used, provided they exist. If the "-test" flag is given, the testing set will be given priority. Otherwise, the training set will be given priority.


To run the next training example, assuming there is a training set:

    lens> doExample
To run example 3 from the training set:
    lens> doExample 3
To run the next training example from the set "extra set":
    lens> doExample -s "extra set"
To train the network (accumulate link weight error derivatives) on the next training example, assuming there is a training set:
    lens> doExample -tr


loadExamples, exampleSetMode, resetExampleSets, updateWeights

Last modified: Tue Apr 11 22:45:47 EDT 2000