viewLinks [-out <group-list> | -in <group-list> | -size <unitCellSize> | -gap <linkCellSpacing> | -updates <updateRate>]
This opens the link viewer if it is closed or deiconifies it and brings it to the front if it is open.
The -out
flag is used to specify the group or groups whose
outputs will be displayed. These are the "Sending Groups".
The -in
flag is used to specify the group or groups whose
inputs will be displayed. These are the "Receiving Groups".
If linkCellSize is given, it sets the network's linkCellSize field, which determines the size of the rectangles in the display. The initial default is 8.
If linkCellSpacing is given, it sets the network's linkCellSpacing field, which determines the gap between rectangles in the display. The initial default is 0.
If updateRate is given, it sets the frequency with which the Link Viewer is updated. A value of 0 means never, 3 is after each example, 4 is after weight updates, 5 is after progress reports, and 6 is after training or testing. The default is 5, after progress reports.