Examples: bench.in

This example is used for benchmarking the simulator on various machines. The bench command will build a network with 4 inputs and outputs and a specified number of links, or as close to it as possible. It then trains the network for a while and analyzes the running time.

benchAll will benchmark networks of 6 different sizes. You should give it the name of a file for the results.

You might learn something about writing Tcl scripts by looking through this example.

Here are the results I got on a 500MHz Pentium III running Linux:

Millions of weight traversals per second with 100 links:      5.2
Millions of weight traversals per second with 1000 links:    25.9
Millions of weight traversals per second with 10000 links:   52.4
Millions of weight traversals per second with 100000 links:  24.9
Millions of weight traversals per second with 300000 links:  27.1
Millions of weight traversals per second with 1000000 links: 26.9

On Pentiums there is a replicable sweet spot for networks with around 10,000 links.

Douglas Rohde
Last modified: Wed Nov 15 22:09:32 EST 2000