Examples: task.in

In this example, a network is given a task on one set of units and some data on another set of units. The task tells the network what to do with the data. This example is fairly simple, but illustrates how you might structure a network to solve a more complicated task.

The data input has three sets of two units and the output has two units. The problem is to map from one of the input pairs to the output. The task input has three units, one of which will be on, indicating which of the three input pairs determines the output.

Each unit in the "hidden" layer has two inputs, one from the corresponding unit in the "taskHidden" layer and one from the corresponding input unit. The weights of these links are fixed at 1.0 and the input to the unit is the product of the activations of the sending units. Thus, this is a gating network. You might think of the outputs of the "taskHidden" layer as determining the weights used in the input-to-hidden projection.

As you will see, learning is a bit slow in this network, but it does achieve a set of weights that allows it to generalize to the held-out testing examples.

Douglas Rohde
Last modified: Thu Nov 16 16:12:16 EST 2000