addGroup | adds a group to the active network
addLinkType | creates a new link type
addNet | creates a new network and makes it the active network
alias | creates or prints a command alias
autoPlot | plots the entire network in a charming format
cd | changes the current directory
changeGroupType | adds, removes, or toggles group types
clientInfo | returns information about one or all clients
closeNetOutputFile | stops writing network output activations
connectGroupToUnits | creates links from all units in a group to given units
connectGroups | creates links with a specified pattern between groups
connectUnits | creates a link from one unit to another
copyConnect | connects a group to an IN_, OUT_, or TARGET_COPY group
copyUnitValues | copies inputs, outputs, or other fields between groups
deleteExampleSets | deletes a list of example sets
deleteGroupInputs | deletes inputs to a group (including Elman inputs)
deleteGroupOutputs | deletes outputs from a group (including Elman outputs)
deleteGroups | deletes a list of groups from the active network
deleteLinkType | deletes a user-defined link type
deleteLinks | deletes all links of a specified type
deleteNets | deletes a list of networks or the active network
deleteUnitInputs | deletes inputs of a specified type to a unit
deleteUnitOutputs | deletes outputs of a specified type from a unit
deltaBarDelta | trains the network using delta-bar-delta
disconnectGroupUnit | deletes links from a group to a unit
disconnectGroups | deletes links of a specified type between two groups
disconnectUnits | deletes links of a specified type between two units
doExample | runs the network on the next or a specified example
dougsMomentum | trains the network using bounded momentum descent
drawUnits | actually renders a new plot on the unit display
elmanConnect | connects a source group to an Elman context group
exampleSetMode | sets or returns the example set's example selection mode
exit | exits from the simulator
| exports the data in a graph to a file
freezeWeights | stops weight updates on specified links
getObject | prints the contents of an object
getSeed | returns the last seed used on the random number generator
| creates, deletes, or manipulates graphs
graphObject | opens a graph of the value of an object or command
groupType | sets or displays the types of a group
healUnits | restores lesioned units
help | prints this list or explains a command
close | closes a Tcl channel
eval | performs an evaluation pass on a command
exec | runs a subprocess
expr | performs a mathematical calculation
for | for loop
foreach | loops over the elements in a list
glob | performs file name lookup
history | manipulates the command history list
if | conditional test
open | opens a Tcl channel
pid | returns the current process id
puts | prints a string to standard output or a Tcl channel
return | returns from the current procedure or script
set | creates and sets the value of a variable
switch | switch statement
unset | removes variables
while | while loop
index | creates a .tclIndex file recording the locations of commands
lesionLinks | removes links or zeros or adds noise to their weights
lesionUnits | inactivates units
loadExamples | reads an example file into an example set
loadWeights | loads the link weights and other values from a file
loadXerionWeights | loads weights from a Xerion text-format weight file
ls | lists the contents of a directory
manual | opens the Lens manual in a web browser
momentum | trains the network using momentum descent
moveExamples | moves examples from one set to another
nice | increments or returns the process's priority
noiseType | sets a group's noise parameters
openNetOutputFile | begins writing network output activations to a file
orderGroups | sets the order in which groups are updated
path | returns the full object path name of a major object
plotAll | plots all the units in a group in as many rows as needed
plotRow | defines one or more rows of the unit display plot
| compute the avg polarization of unit outputs in a group
printLinkValues | prints values for specified links to a file
printUnitValues | prints values for each unit in a list of groups to a file
pwd | returns the current directory
rand | returns a random real number in a given range
randInt | returns a random integer in a given range
randWeights | randomizes all of the weights of a selected type
repeat | loops a specified number of times
| clears the unit and link error derivatives
resetExampleSets | returns the example set to the first example
resetNet | randomizes all weights and clears direction information
resetPlot | resets the plot layout
resetUnitValues | resets inputs, outputs, or other fields for a group
saveExamples | writes an example set to an example file
saveParameters | writes network or group parameters to a script file
saveWeights | saves the link weights and other values in a file
seed | seeds the random number generator
sendEval | executes a command on the server or on one or all clients
sendObject | a shortcut for doing a local and remote setObject
setLinkValues | sets parameters for specified links
setObject | sets the value of an object field
setTime | sets the network's time and history parameters
signal | raises a signal in the current process
source | runs a script file
startClient | makes the current process a parallel training client
startServer | makes the current process a parallel training server
steepest | trains the network using steepest descent
stopClient | closes the connection with the server
stopServer | disengages all clients and stops running as a server
test | tests the network on the testing set
thawWeights | resumes weight updates on specified links
time | runs a command and returns the time elapsed
| creates, deletes, or manipulates traces within a graph
train | trains the network using a specified algorithm
trainParallel | trains the network in parallel on the clients
unalias | deletes a command alias
updateWeights | updates the weights using the current link derivatives
useNet | activates a network or prints a list of all networks
useTestingSet | makes an example set the current testing set
useTrainingSet | makes an example set the current training set
verbosity | check or set how verbose Lens is (mostly during training)
view | opens the main control display
viewConsole | opens the shell console
viewLinks | opens the link viewer
viewObject | opens an object viewer
viewUnits | opens the unit viewer
wait | stops the interactive shell for batch jobs
waitForClients | executes a command when enough clients have connected