Command Reference

Alphabetical Listing Invoking Commands Usage Syntax

Network and Group Commands
addNet creates a new network and makes it the active network
useNet activates a network or prints a list of all networks
addGroup adds a group to the active network
orderGroups sets the order in which groups are updated
deleteNets deletes a list of networks or the active network
deleteGroups deletes a list of groups from the active network
groupType sets or displays the types of a group
changeGroupType adds, removes, or toggles group types
setTime sets the network's time and history parameters
copyUnitValues copies inputs, outputs, or other fields between groups
resetUnitValues resets inputs, outputs, or other fields for a group
printUnitValues prints values for each unit in a list of groups to a file
polarity compute the avg polarization of unit outputs in a group
Connection Commands
connectGroups creates links with a specified pattern between groups
connectGroupToUnits creates links from all units in a group to given units
connectUnits creates a link from one unit to another
elmanConnect connects a source group to an Elman context group
copyConnect connects a group to an IN_, OUT_, or TARGET_COPY group
addLinkType creates a new link type
deleteLinkType deletes a user-defined link type
saveWeights saves the link weights and other values in a file
loadWeights loads the link weights and other values from a file
loadXerionWeights loads weights from a Xerion text-format weight file
Disconnection Commands
disconnectGroups deletes links of a specified type between two groups
disconnectGroupUnit deletes links from a group to a unit
disconnectUnits deletes links of a specified type between two units
deleteLinks deletes all links of a specified type
deleteGroupInputs deletes inputs to a group (including Elman inputs)
deleteGroupOutputs deletes outputs from a group (including Elman outputs)
deleteUnitInputs deletes inputs of a specified type to a unit
deleteUnitOutputs deletes outputs of a specified type from a unit
Link Commands
randWeights randomizes all of the weights of a selected type
freezeWeights stops weight updates on specified links
thawWeights resumes weight updates on specified links
setLinkValues sets parameters for specified links
printLinkValues prints values for specified links to a file
Lesioning and Noise Commands
lesionLinks removes links or zeros or adds noise to their weights
lesionUnits inactivates units
healUnits restores lesioned units
noiseType sets a group's noise parameters
Example Commands
loadExamples reads an example file into an example set
useTrainingSet makes an example set the current training set
useTestingSet makes an example set the current testing set
deleteExampleSets deletes a list of example sets
moveExamples moves examples from one set to another
saveExamples writes an example set to an example file
exampleSetMode sets or returns the example set's example selection mode
resetExampleSets returns the example set to the first example
doExample runs the network on the next or a specified example
Training Commands
train trains the network using a specified algorithm
steepest trains the network using steepest descent
momentum trains the network using momentum descent
dougsMomentum trains the network using bounded momentum descent
deltaBarDelta trains the network using delta-bar-delta
updateWeights updates the weights using the current link derivatives
test tests the network on the testing set
resetNet randomizes all weights and clears direction information
resetDerivs clears the unit and link error derivatives
openNetOutputFile begins writing network output activations to a file
closeNetOutputFile stops writing network output activations
Object Commands
setObject sets the value of an object field
getObject prints the contents of an object
path returns the full object path name of a major object
saveParameters writes network or group parameters to a script file
Display Commands
view opens the main control display
viewConsole opens the shell console
viewUnits opens the unit viewer
viewLinks opens the link viewer
viewObject opens an object viewer
Graph Commands
graphObject opens a graph of the value of an object or command
graph creates, deletes, or manipulates graphs
exportGraph exports the data in a graph to a file
trace creates, deletes, or manipulates traces within a graph
Unit Plotting Commands
resetPlot resets the plot layout
plotRow defines one or more rows of the unit display plot
plotAll plots all the units in a group in as many rows as needed
drawUnits actually renders a new plot on the unit display
autoPlot plots the entire network in a charming format
Parallel Commands
startServer makes the current process a parallel training server
stopServer disengages all clients and stops running as a server
startClient makes the current process a parallel training client
stopClient closes the connection with the server
sendEval executes a command on the server or on one or all clients
sendObject a shortcut for doing a local and remote setObject
clientInfo returns information about one or all clients
waitForClients executes a command when enough clients have connected
trainParallel trains the network in parallel on the clients
Shell Commands
help prints this list or explains a command
manual opens the Lens manual in a web browser
set creates and sets the value of a variable
unset removes variables
alias creates or prints a command alias
unalias deletes a command alias
index creates a .tclIndex file recording the locations of commands
history manipulates the command history list
exec runs a subprocess
expr performs a mathematical calculation
open opens a Tcl channel
close closes a Tcl channel
puts prints a string to standard output or a Tcl channel
ls lists the contents of a directory
cd changes the current directory
pwd returns the current directory
seed seeds the random number generator
getSeed returns the last seed used on the random number generator
rand returns a random real number in a given range
randInt returns a random integer in a given range
pid returns the current process id
nice increments or returns the process's priority
time runs a command and returns the time elapsed
glob performs file name lookup
signal raises a signal in the current process
Control Flow Commands
source runs a script file
eval performs an evaluation pass on a command
if conditional test
for for loop
while while loop
foreach loops over the elements in a list
repeat loops a specified number of times
switch switch statement
return returns from the current procedure or script
wait stops the interactive shell for batch jobs
verbosity check or set how verbose Lens is (mostly during training)
exit exits from the simulator

Douglas Rohde
Last modified: Mon Dec 11 12:04:37 EST 2000